In this blogg post we will be looking at Azures Cosmosdb and how it works, how I set up a small test project, and also making a HTTP Trigger function to be able to get/post something in the database.
My idea was simple: make a database, then make a collection (or as someone would say a table) with the name of “User”, it had a simple Id as the Primary key, then a firstName and lastName. My goal with the project was to make a database have it be as simple as possible then be able to enter and get information from the database with functions.
First I have a Users.cs file, and here is where all of the code gets run here is the biggest method. In the method Run, in the parameter we add a CosmosDB part and we give it the information it needs to connect to our Azure cosmosdb database, in the connection setting we give it a name and we store the real value in the local.settings.json file (which is not added in github)
Then simply we go into two if’s one for GET and one for POST, there is methods there telling it what to do for each case, if not then we are returning a “Not Found Result”
GetUser Method
- First we get the id from the request.
- Then it creates a link for the database collection
- Line 66: we are creating the query by giving the collection link with a maximum count of 1, in order to make sure we only get 1 result, where the id is the same as the id that we are searching.
- Even if there is more than 1 result we are still getting one, this is happening in line 72, we also cast it to User to make sure it only shows the information from that class.
Future proofing the database
I think this goes with any database, it is important to think about expanding and making sure that data is seperated for example: if you have an online-business and someone sat there and made one big table with costumer information, product information, then lets say we end up having different store locations later on, it would be a nightmare to change it in the future. In the example I have attached the top one is a bad-future-proofing example and here is why: on Costumers for membership and for the store name its just a normal name, what happens if we want to change the membership name? then we have to go individually through all of the costumers and change individualy which people can make mistakes and maybe someone’s doesn’t get changed.. the other problem is that for Stores, “Ica Maxi” there is so many different ones and there is no way to make it different it would mean every store has to be unique.
Now if we look at the bottom example then we see, each table has a Unique number that can’t repeat itself in each table, then that number is used in the other tables, so you dont have to worry about store with the id of 5 and 6 because even if the store name is the same the id makes them automatically different stores.
I used the Azure Calculator in order to figure out prices for a basic not very popular database, and I got €73 per month, but if it were to become very popular and get alot of updating and reloading to get the information and we had thousands of people try to access the database I mean the sky is the limit with pricing (thousands of euros).
Github Azure-functions-bindings-cosmosdb
Integrating Azure Cosmos DB with Azure Functions
Alejandra’s exercise on Github
Microsoft docs: MaxItemCount